Release Notes


July 2 2024

Entropia Universe 18.4.2 Release Notes

Planet Rocktropia deeds are now available for trading on the Entropia Exchange, representing the 6th tradeable entity in the Entropia Marketplace after Planet Calypso, Crystal Palace Space Station, New Treasure Island, Ancient Greece, and Triton.

Deed Information:
Total number of Rocktropia deeds: 1,000,000
All deeds have been fully allocated to current stakeholders, including Mindark.
Current stakeholders have the right to trade deeds on the Entropia Exchange.

Revenue Model
Deeds will yield weekly dividends.
Revenue is derived from the combined full 25% planet share and 25% affiliate share.
Affiliate revenue can increase through new accounts choosing Rocktropia on the Entropia Universe Planet Roster.

Planet Details:
Planet Rocktropia is owned by Mindark and will be managed by the AI President when this system is launched.
It consists of three server areas: The City of Dreams, Zomhattan, and Hell.
The planet will receive periodic balancing, content, and gameplay version updates.

Additional Information:
Ownership of deeds does not represent ownership of the planet or intellectual property rights.
Deed holders may have the ability to vote on content issues once AI systems are fully implemented.
Rocktropia will be updated with  new systems in tandem with the rest of Entropia Universe.


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

June 27 2024

Entropia Universe 18.4.2 Release Notes


  • Fixed Mayhem MF-Amplfier Alpha (L) typo
  • Fixed an issue with Summer Mayhem Assault shadows
  • Fixed Summer Mayhem Assault mission not registering on player death


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

June 18 2024

Entropia Universe 18.4.1 Release Notes

Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:

Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

June 11 2024

Entropia Universe 18.4.0 Release Notes

Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:
Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

June 4 2024

Entropia Universe 18.3.1 Release Notes


  • UI changes and sound fixes
  • Checkbox for using inventory only when constructing
  • The Auto Construction is now also prioritizing inventory first
  • The exploit allowing off-planet ingredients in construction/auction has been fixed; Ingredients will now only be taken from the planet you are currently on
  • Protect is automatically applied to input-blueprint


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

May 21 2024

Entropia Universe 18.3.0 Release Notes

Immersive NPCs


  • New Feature: Immersive NPCs Sarah Tergus and Jax Terron are now available on Planet Calypso.
    • Function: Providing essential hints and personalized guidance for new players.
  • Bonus Feature: Sayah King - Virtual AI Avatar is now available at
    • Function: Announcing future updates and guide players through getting started with Entropia Universe on the Entropia Universe website.

Purpose and Limitations

  • Goal: Assist beginners in navigating early stages without overwhelming complexity.
  • Community Role: NPCs complement, not replace, community engagement for game insights.
  • Phased Approach: Ensures all new players find valuable resources and support.

Accuracy and Interaction

  • Technology: Utilizes the latest Transformer Model OpenAI 4(omni) and other LLM-based AI technology.
  • Response Nature: Designed to mirror more human-like interactions with relatively varied reliability.
  • Immersive Experience: Enhances gameplay without being a mere factual repository.

Usage and Cost Considerations

  • Frequency of use: The initial frequency of interactions will be limited. Each player will have a set number of tokens per day they can use to interact with the NPCs.

Memory and Personalization

  • Memory System: Short and long-term memory capabilities for human-like interactions.
  • Interaction Continuity: NPCs remember previous conversations, enhancing personalization - this also means they will remember what you talked about, and it can affect how they interact with you. Choosing your words wisely is a good approach when starting out conversations with an NPC for the first time.

Privacy and Data Use

  • Privacy Assurance: Designed to enhance experience without compromising security.
  • Data Access: Only non-sensitive data like avatar name and strength level are accessed.
  • Data Usage: Information used solely to tailor interactions, adhering to privacy laws.
  • User Precautions: Users are urged not to share personal information with Immersive NPCs.

Meet Our Immersive NPCs

  • Sarah Tergus
    • Location: Thule
    • Role: CDF support personnel guiding beginners through tutorials, UI mechanics, keybindings, and basic actions.
  • Jax Te​rron
    • Location: Camp Icarus, second floor outside the main facility
    • Role: Senior CDF support personnel and hunting specialist. Offering in-depth guidance, tips, and suggestions for beginners.
  • General Capabilities: Both NPCs can hold full conversations on various topics, with answers varying based on focus and goals. Both have a history in Calypso and can think for themselves.


Legal Updates



  • Fixed an issue where Construction did not prioritize items from inventory first.
  • Fixed some issues with the Auto Construction UI and Sound.
  • Fixed minor issues with Sit Down and Lie Down.


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

May 14 2024

Entropia Universe 18.2.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed performance issue with Auto-Construction
  • Fixed minor issues with Construction User Interface
  • Crafting SFX has been updated


Known Issues

  • Sometimes the Auto Construction Retrieve button is not activated correctly when an Auto Construction session is done or stopped. This should be resolved by reopening the UI


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

May 7 2024

Entropia Universe 18.2 Release Notes

New Features

  • Auto-Construction

Auto-Construction is a new feature accessible via a dedicated tab in the Construction Window. It allows players to initiate extended construction sessions without the need to stay at the terminal or remain online. When the session is started, any required ingredients are stored in the construction service, and the player can freely go off to engage in any other activity they wish or even go to other planets to start Auto-Construction sessions there. Players can run one Auto-Construction session per planet.

When an Auto-Construction session finishes, players will be notified through the Message Center to let them know their items are available to be retrieved. To retrieve these items and any Skill progress earned during the session, players can visit any Construction Terminal on the planet where the session was performed.

-  Auto-Construction Sessions do not provide mission progress
- You cannot perform Auto-Construction and regular Construction simultaneously on the same planet

  • PBR for Garments

Support for Physically Based Rendering (PBR) has been added to Avatar-equipped items such as Armors and Garments to improve visuals.

  • Sit and Lie down

Reimplemented Sit and Lie down emotes. They can be accessed through ‘Actions’ under ‘Control’.



  • Fixed an issue where the Pet Status didn’t display correctly in certain areas


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

April 17 2024

Entropia Universe 18.1.3 Release Notes


  • Technical updates to servers
  • Performance updates to servers


Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:
Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

March 26 2024

Entropia Universe 18.1.2 Release Notes


  • Implemented search/filter feature for location list in the map user interface
  • Limited characters in the search input field to 100 in the map user interface


  • Fixed an issue in the garment system affecting some textures


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

March 19 2024

Entropia Universe 18.1.1 Patch Notes


  • Unreachable targets will no longer be possible “Lock On”
  • Enabling UI edit mode now shows hidden action bars
  • Improved visual indication of moving a chat tab
  • Releasing a movement key will now register even with another UI in focus



  • Fixed an issue where the Auto-move for vehicles did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue with micro freezes happening while handling Nameplates
  • Fixed an issue where it caused the character to disappear when equipping certain armor combinations
  • Fixed an issue where links broke when the window lost focus
  • Fixed an issue where the chat tab window remained transparent if it failed to attach to another chat window
  • Fixed an issue where the chat overflow button was overlapping the Private Message notification button
  • Fixed an issue where the close panel button overlapped the chat overflow button
  • Fixed an issue where chat tabs did not update correctly after minimizing
  • Fixed an issue that UI’s disappeared after dying as an User Controlled Mob
  • Fixed an issue where Loadout names did not support all necessary symbols
  • Fixed an issue where the Contacts search field did not support all necessary symbols


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

March 12 2024

Entropia Universe 18.1.0 Release Notes

In order for our transition from CryEngine 2 to Unreal Engine 5 to be as smooth as possible, we have updated our art production pipeline to improve current visual quality and simplify the conversion moving forward.

Using this new pipeline, we upgraded a large collection of production elements, including armors, terrain textures, creature models, vegetation assets, and general lighting improvements to modern industry quality standards.


Genesis Visual Update

  • Remade numerous terrain textures with modern PBR standards and higher resolution
  • Improved pixel density for terrain textures: 2k and 4k high-resolution textures
  • Added detail maps: Additional detail layers that blend over along base textures bringing more granular detail
  • More shader complexity: added fresnel and "clothiness" effects for grass and sand
  • Enabled Parallax Occlusion Mapping: creates a relief effect and improves the shading of the terrain textures



  • To incentivize the use of clothing, clothing will no longer decay when equipped
  • Avatars no longer have Outlines in PvP
  • Updated Quick Bar action icons art for Professions, Contacts, Missions, and Deposit
  • The vehicle status bar now has its placement location saved
  • Re-added the option to hide the rendered item in the Items Info overview window
  • When creating a Loadout, the input field will now be in focus
  • When opening Actions, the search field will now be in focus
  • Increased the size and readability of the message number count for the Quick bar
  • Added an option to show the old loot window UI visuals
  • Clothes will no longer be included in an Armor loadout
  • Cursor mode is now enabled when opening Contacts
  • Added an option to disable the dashboard reload bar
  • Loot now automatically stacks in the Looted window
  • Protect Item is now possible to use on stackable items
  • Context menu now opens on Cursor location so tooltip is not activated at the same time
  • Greatly reduced the weight of all enhancers and socket components
  • Greatly reduced the weight of nanocubes



  • Fixed an issue where the Modifier Keys didn’t work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where it was difficult to abort auto-move towards a target
  • Fixed an issue where the Auto-sell option did not work correctly in Constructing
  • Fixed an issue where clearing the Auction search field and pressing refresh didn’t work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted Loadout did not remove the shortcut on the Action bar
  • Fixed an issue where the Notification banner messages had long delays before showing up
  • Fixed an issue where Default Item links did not work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where Auto-use did not work correctly with Harvesting tools
  • Fixed an issue where ESC did not always open the Main Menu
  • Fixed some shot particles that went through enemies
  • Fixed some incorrectly shaded hairstyles
  • Fixed an issue that caused banding artifacts and strange colors in the clouds
  • Fixed an issue that caused back-facing triangles in the vegetation system to sometimes flip



  • In Options > Graphics, Gamma and Brightness have been reset to default values in this release


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

February 27 2024

Entropia Universe 18.0.1 Release Notes


  • Added a search to Inventory and Storage that filters and highlights items
  • Options > Interface
    • Added toggle for “Show name in Dashboard”
    • Added toggle for “Show Account Balance in Dashboard”
    • Added slider for Chat background opacity
    • Added slider for Radar background opacity
  • Changed the button text from History to Graph in the Entropia Exchange
  • Improved tabbing in different chats to flip between channels



  • Fixed an issue where the Mouse input on the Action Bar for Navigation Actions did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue when using actions on the Action Bar would sometimes not register a Tool Use
  • Fixed an issue where an action that moves you into range of a target did not work correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the Local Information banner display was presented with a delay
  • Fixed an issue where the Construction window icons appeared on top of each other
  • Fixed an issue where the Mission tracker moved to the left side of the screen when changing resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where the Hof Ticker could not correctly display long texts 
  • Fixed an issue where the Chat did not correctly lose focus when clicking outside the Chat
  • Fixed an issue where the Contacts window did not lose focus properly when clicking outside it after the previous focus was search
  • Corrected text to LOOT when interacting with a dead creature


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

February 21 2024

Entropia Universe 18.0.0 Release Notes

Entropia Universe now has an updated Heads-Up Display (HUD), and the User Interface (UI) has been revamped with added features, functionality, and improved performance. With this update, each account had its User Interface reset.

Beginners Guide has been updated according to these changes:

For feedback or bug reports on the User Interface, go to our designated forum threads here:
Bug Reports:

Or, for direct support, you can create a support case at:



  • The login screen has received an update
  • The new HUD features movable elements via the UI Edit-Mode
  • UI windows have been unified and visually updated
  • An Update Info window has been added upon login. Once closed, it can be found in the Main Menu
  • The inventory grid size increased
  • The order of Inventory categories has been changed
  • PED Balance in UI’s have had a visual update and are now clickable to add funds
  • Added checkbox for Repair to set the amount of PED to be used
  • Buffs and Debuffs are now a separate movable UI element
  • Quick Actions have been added to the HUD
  • Added a new action to show all Nameplates, friend, and foe
  • Added screen warning for Avatar low health
  • Deposit Action now opens a browser window
  • Support Action now opens a browser window
  • Action bars have been added to replace the previous dashboard icon system
  • Actions
    • Action Library has been replaced with Actions
    • Quick search for all different actions in-game
    • Supports up to 3 different Key Bindings per action
    • If needed, duplicate actions can be setup in the actionbar to bind the action to more keys
    • Supports Modifiers (CTRL and SHIFT)
    • Added controller support
    • Drag and drop Actions to Action bars with UI Edit-Mode to 
  • Options
    • Multiple additions have been added in Options > Interface
      • Show location in the Radar UI
      • Enable more action bars, up to 5 in total
      • Disable Fullscreen Warning
      • Disable the use of modifiers (CTRL and SHIFT)
  • Added total PED value looted in the LOOTED window
  • The total value of Nanocubes is now only visible in the “Recycle”-tab
  • Now possible to buy Ammunition up to 9999,99 PED in the Trade Terminal
  • Codex now shows more clearly if there is a new addition or a reward to claim
  • Added “Loadout” to Inventory where you could save a selection of “Equipped”, “Clothes or “Armor”
  • Added “Toggle Bold Fonts” option to Main Chat Interface settings
  • Minor changes have been made to multiple UI windows to improve the User Experience


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

December 6 2023

Entropia Universe 17.23.2.a Release Notes

Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:
Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &

MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

December 5 2023

Entropia Universe 17.23.2 Release Notes

Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:
Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

November 30 2023

Entropia Universe 17.23.0.a Hotfix Patch Notes


  • The Spina Queen has redecorated her room, moving some objects around
  • The revival terminal in the spina cave has been moved closer to the entrance
  • Cayuze teleporter has returned



  • The “Protective Instinct” buff now correctly displays that it also reduces damage taken by 3% per stack
  • The boss encounters music no longer loops incorrectly
  • An issue with sometimes getting stuck after reviving in the Queen's new Lair is corrected


MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

November 29 2023

Entropia Universe 17.23.0 Hotfix Patch Notes


  • The Debuffs in the Spina Queen encounter now have a duration of 6 minutes (previously infinite) and are not removed on revival


The Spina Queen is dead!

  • The mission to kill the Broodmothers no longer awards the RDI Cybernetic Eye. These are now looted from Spina Broodmothers and Spina Nobles


Known Issues (to be addressed in an upcoming patch)

  • The “Protective Instinct” buff reduces the damage taken by 3% per stack, which is currently not displayed in the tooltip for the buff
  • The boss music restarts the loop if the player camera is outside the encounter area
  • There is an issue with getting stuck after reviving in the Queen's new Lair
  • The Revival Terminal in the Broodmother Cave is too close to the spawns



MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

November 28 2023

Entropia Universe 17.23.0 Release Notes

New Features

  • The Mayhem vendor has been updated with new items, and some prices have been adjusted
  • 2023 Christmas ring has been added and will become available from the start of Merry Mayhem 2023



  • It is now possible to TT some untradeable items from starter packs and strongboxes
  • Made player collision more accurate toward the terrain
  • All glow now has a directionality which improves the visual quality
  • Performance improvements to looting


Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:
Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &

MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

November 7 2023

Entropia Universe 17.22.3 Release Notes

Entropia Universe Planet Partner release information can be found at the following URLs:

Planet Calypso:
Planet Arkadia:
Next Island:
Planet Cyrene:
Planet Toulan & Monria: &

MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.