Strongbox announcement

Strongbox announcement

On the first of January 2019 a new Swedish law which affects lootbox systems that is used in many computer, mobile, and console games will go into effect. MindArk’s legal representatives has advised us on this new law and therefore we need to take the necessary steps outlined below to comply with this new regulation.
The consequences of the new law will be that users located in Sweden (or with a Swedish IP) will no longer be allowed to purchase Strongboxes or Strongbox keys in the Entropia Universe Webshop from this date. It will still be possible for anyone in Entropia Universe to find boxes within Entropia Universe, but users located in Sweden (or with a Swedish IP) will not be able to open them unless they have Strongbox Keys acquired prior to January 1, 2019. Strongbox Keys acquired prior to January 1, 2019 will continue to function even for users in Sweden, but they will not be able to purchase new Strongbox Keys from this date.

If you do not reside in Sweden or use a Swedish IP Strongboxes and Strongbox Keys will continue to work like previously, this change only affect users in Sweden or with a Swedish IP.