Battle Simulator: Format, Objectives, Release and Feedback

Battle Simulator

#3 Format, Objectives, Release and Feedback


The Battle Simulator will be a platform-wide solo instance in the form of a ‘time trial assault course’. You must destroy all enemies in each level as fast as you can. Prizes are given for completing the course. Additionally, there are extra prizes for climbing to top positions on the weekly leaderboard.

Battle Simulator runs are performed using a special premade avatar, so that all participants are on an equal footing, important for promoting the competitive aspects planned for this new system.


The Battle Simulator may appeal to a whole new audience of competitive gamers attracted by the prizes and tournaments on offer. Designed for immediate accessibility, all avatars will be able to enter Battle Simulator tournaments immediately and on equal terms with other players. 

This ‘instant-access’ game mode may encourage some players to specialize in the Battle Simulator. Ultimately, this will also contribute to the economy of Entropia Universe as a whole, as the Battle Simulator game mode runs parallel to the existing Real Cash Economy and Avatar progression model.

Release and Feedback

On February 28, 2017 the Battle Simulator will be released as a prototype and will still be undergoing development. Your feedback will therefore be a vital part of the development process. Your contributions will be welcomed in the community forums.

More information will be available soon.

An earlier version of this article stated:

Although skill-levels are standardized within the Battle Simulator, your Avatar still gains skills via Battle Simulator activities. These skill increases are applied to your Avatar after exiting the simulator instance.

This was a miscommunication. The initial prototype release of the Battle Simulator will not reward participants with skills; however skill rewards may be considered in the future.